Psalm 23

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree

Last week, I preached on Psalm 23. In the sermon, I mentioned an alternative version offered by author and scholar Eugene Peterson in a translation of the Bible called “The Message.” Many of you have asked for it, so I have included it below. I hope that, in addition to whatever translation of Psalm 23 that you hold dear, this version might open up something new about how God is present and attentive to you and your journey.

1-3 God, my shepherd!

  I don’t need a thing.

You have bedded me down in lush meadows,

  you find me quiet pools to drink from.

True to your word,

  you let me catch my breath

  and send me in the right direction.

4 Even when the way goes through

  Death Valley,

I’m not afraid

  when you walk at my side.

Your trusty shepherd’s crook

  makes me feel secure.

5 You serve me a six-course dinner

  right in front of my enemies.

You revive my drooping head;

  my cup brims with blessing.

6 Your beauty and love chase after me

  every day of my life.

I’m back home in the house of God

  for the rest of my life.

See you in church,

Charlie+ (he/him)