Wear Red for Pentecost Sunday!

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree

Jesus, what do you mean? You’re leaving?

Yes, for the last several weeks, we’ve been hearing from Jesus in something called the “Farewell Discourse” from John’s gospel. It’s a very long prayer in which Jesus is talking to and praying for his disciples. He is preparing them for the time that he’s going to leave, but he also says that he’s not going to leave them without comfort . . . what’s he talking about?

All of this is pointing to the day of Pentecost. Jesus was crucified, has died, has risen, and has ascended. His physical, incarnated body is now absent. But Jesus is going to live into his promise by sending the Holy Spirit.

This is what we’ll celebrate on Sunday . . . the Day of Pentecost.

Pentecost is the fiftieth day of Easter. It closes the Easter season. On Sunday, you’ll hear about how the Spirit rushed into our world and into our lives, causing both chaos and clarity.

It will also be a special service at which we’ll honor our youth, acolytes, and educators. We’ll have a baptism, and we’ll have a special blessing for Keli, who is transitioning away from her position at St. Paul’s. Afterwards, there’ll be a picnic. It’s going to be a big day . . . appropriate for the day that we celebrate the gifts of being the church.

Please wear something red so that we can usher in the spirit “in style.”

The Holy Spirit is at work at St. Paul’s – it’s at work in and through each of you and the gifts that you offer. Thank you, and thank God for you.

See you in church,
