Category Rector’s Blog

Your Lamps

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree In her sermon on Sunday, Gwynn mentioned keeping our lamps filled with oil – a metaphor for being prepared, taking care of ourselves spiritually, and being aware of and open to the presence of God.…

In the Evening

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree This prayer always reminds me of one of my dear friends who has now gone to glory. I prayed it with him the last time I saw him. As the days get shorter and the night…

A Way Forward

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree These days, it’s pretty easy to get anywhere you want with little effort. Just plug an address into your mapping system, and the car might even drive you to your destination. Our phones even have built-in…

A Generous Welcome

There’s nothing worse than feeling like an outsider. Getting to know a new place, a new group, a new environment, or a new crowd can be very awkward and uncomfortable. This is why it’s important for all of us at St.…

Brave Conversations

A desire for and a movement toward racial healing and justice is at the heart of who we are as St. Paul’s. Two of our guiding values relate our call to “celebrate God’s rich diversity,” and be “open to brave conversations.”…

St. Paul’s Annual Giving Campaign

Today, we hear from Brian Carr. As the Junior Warden, he is a leader among leaders of our governing board, called the vestry. In partnership with Marti Truman, our Sr. Warden, this dynamic duo offers their superpowers to help make…