Category Worship

Rector’s Blog: (Y)our Stories

(Y)our Stories By Charlie Dupree For the past several weeks on Sunday mornings, members of the St. Paul’s community have been telling their stories. But the stories they’re telling are not just the typical stories we might exchange over drinks…

Rector’s Blog: For All the Saints

For All the Saints By Charlie Dupree November first is known as All Saints’ Day. Since November first often falls on a weekday, the church allows us to celebrate it on the Sunday following. This Sunday, therefore, St. Paul’s will…

Rector’s Blog: Observations from the HRI Pilgrimage

Observations from the History and Reconciliation Initiative Pilgrimage to Alabama by Charlie Dupree The first thing that happened when I entered Dexter Avenue King Memorial Church in Montgomery, Alabama was a hug from the greeter at the door. “Wow, what a…

Rector’s Blog: An Instrument of Peace

An Instrument of Peace This past week, the church celebrated the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226). When we celebrate the saints, we not only recall the ways that they were examples of the faith, we also celebrate the…

Rector’s Blog: Becoming

Becoming By Father Charlie In her book, Becoming, Michelle Obama shares stories of the joys and challenges of being the first lady, a wife, a mother, and the first woman of color to be in this role. I can’t imagine…

Rector’s Blog: Another Day, O Lord…

Another day, O Lord… By Father Charlie The following prayer is one of my favorites. It’s tucked away in the service for the Ministration to the Sick (BCP, 461). The prayer sits quietly… its wisdom building and building… In the…

Rector’s Blog: Radical Welcome

Dear St. Paul’s family, This past Sunday, we heard Jesus tell two parables. The parables tell of a shepherd who was attending to 100 sheep. One got lost. The shepherd went to great lengths to find the one that was…

Blog: Psalm 121, Journeys, and Angry Cats

I’ve been the Rector of St. Paul’s, Richmond for a little over two weeks. Just prior to that, Matthew and I pulled up stakes in Indiana. We said goodbye to the people of Trinity, Bloomington and headed east. Our cat,…

Weekly Encouragement: A Change in Season

“That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Have you felt it? There has been a coolness and a dryness in the air for the last several days. We’ve been sleeping with…