Category Worship

Upcoming Days by Rev. Charlie | Jan 14th, 2021

Dear Friends, I’m sure you’re aware of the important events that are happening on and/or around the state Capitol grounds in the upcoming days: protests are planned for Sunday, a gun rally on Monday, and protests of the presidential inauguration…

Epiphany by Rev. Charlie Dupree | 1.6.21

Yet, something within calls us to move toward God’s presence. Something within calls us to be God’s presence. You never know . . . sometimes we move toward the North Star. Sometimes, we are the North Star for others. How is God leading you? What is God leading you toward? What is God trying to show you?

Struggle by Rev. Charlie Dupree

Today is Election Day. What to say on a day of election? I’ll first turn to one of our Assisting Bishops in the Diocese of Virginia, the Rt. Reverend Jennifer Brooke-Davidson: What will we do if. . . if the…

Right Pathways by Rev. Charlie Dupree

We are all on a journey right now. The Psalmist’s journey seems familiar as we travel through dark valleys, deep waters, and unknown physical, emotional, and spiritual territory.

Church Together | Community Giving

“Church Together” is the theme of this year’s Community Giving Campaign at St. Paul’s. Realizing that this year would not be a “normal” year, the committee has been meeting for several months. Their theme of being called together is a testament to the God who, through the centuries, has called the church together and has created us to be in relationship. No matter the circumstance, God has shown that, together, God’s people can move into places of life.