Category Worship

St. Francis

by Rev. Charlie Dupree Francis is one of my favorite saints. He is typically associated with animals and creation. Underlying these associations with nature is humility – a stepping aside from the “ways of the world.” St. Francis was doing…

Homecoming Sunday!

Homecoming Sunday is a tradition at St. Paul’s, Richmond. For years, you have gathered on the Sunday after Labor Day to celebrate your heritage as a community of faith in downtown Richmond. If we have learned anything in our short tenure at St. Paul’s, it is the fierce attachment and devotion most of you have for your church home on 815 E. Grace Street. We hear the aching and longing in your voices when you say, “I miss my church!” It is indeed a painful time of exile from our church home as we have known it.

Christian Discernment and Community Engagement

Guest contributors Lynn Williams, Barbara Holley and Matt Stehle reflect in this week's Weekly Chapel on the particular importance of this moment to engage in the process discernment, as St. Paul's continues to explore its expression of Community Engagement.

Rector’s Blog: Vows

Vows By the Rev. Charlie Dupree This Sunday, The Right Reverend Jennifer Brooke-Davidson will be at St. Paul’s. She is one of two bishops who serve in the Diocese of Virginia. Surrounded by the St. Paul’s community, she will baptize,…

Rector’s Blog: Adversity

Adversity By the Rev. Charlie Dupree The office of Morning Prayer includes the following prayer: Lord God, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin,…

Rector’s Blog: God’s Dwelling Place

God’s Dwelling Place By the Rev. Charlie Dupree We prayed Psalm 84 on Sunday . . . “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord God of Hosts? My soul faints for the courts of the Lord.” The psalmist goes on…

Rector’s Blog: The Presentation

The Presentation By Charlie Dupree In the season of Lent, we get to move alongside Jesus as he makes his way to the Cross. It gets even more real as we enter Holy Week . . . the Last Supper,…