Pentecost Sunday 2024

On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the Church as a community that is called, gathered and sent to share the Gospel message of hope and reconciliation. Join us in celebrating the Feast of Pentecost!

Family Breakfast

@ 9 AM, Atrium

Families with children (infants – 12th grade) are invited this time of fellowship.


@ 10 AM, Sanctuary

Please let us know if you would like to have an infant or child (younger than 12 years old) baptized by water and the Holy Spirit to be incorporated as a member of Christ’s Body when we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, we are adopted as God’s beloved children, ritually initiated and welcomed into the community of the Church.  Learn more about what is involved with baptism at St. Paul’s here. Please contact the Rev. Andie Rohrs, Associate for Pastoral Care or Linda Willis, Director of Children and Family Program for more information about being baptized on Pentecost or on any of the future designated dates. 

Parish Picnic

Following Service

Celebrate Pentecost with our Annual Pentecost Picnic! Mix, mingle, meet new members, make new friends, and have fun! The church will provide baked and fried chicken, baked beans, potatoes salad, desert and drinks. All are invited to bring a covered dish to share, please bring them to the Atrium before service.

Youth Council Interest and Planning Meeting

@ 11:30 AM, Youth Room

Grab your lunch from the Parish Picnic and join us in the Youth Room to learn more about Youth Council and help with planning curriculum and events for our next programming year!

Greater Richmond Children’s Choir (GRCC) Spring Concert

@ 4 PM, Sanctuary

On Sunday, May 19, 2024, 4:00 PM, all GRCC choir levels will join together to offer the final concert of the 2023-2024 season. This year’s theme is “Common Ground” – exploring how we work toward unity in times of division and conflict. GRCC is grateful to again be offering this concert at St. Paul’s! All are invited to attend!